Mobile application for patients of “B. B. NURA”
Dear patients! Thanks to the productive work of the company’s employees and partners, a new program “mobile application for patients of B. B. NURA LLP “was launched. The functionality of …
Dear patients! Thanks to the productive work of the company’s employees and partners, a new program “mobile application for patients of B. B. NURA LLP “was launched. The functionality of …
March 14, world kidney day. This year was held under the motto “healthy kidneys everywhere and everything”. The company “B. B. NURA” was one of the sponsors in the screening …
On November 30, 2018, the opening of the outpatient dialysis Center of LLP “B.B.NURA” in Atasu was held on the occasion of the Day of the first President of the …
Two days 19-20 September in the clinic Alanda held a workshop Caldin Constantine / consultant for the management of medical institutions, managing partner of LLC “Caldin Consulting” Moscow / “how …
From 10 to 12 October this year in Vienna, Austria, our specialists took part in the training of Dr. Michael Sousk: “High degree of blood Purification, basic training on OMNI …
On September 21-22, 2018, the employees of the company B.B.NURA took part in ” II National Congress of the Republican public Association” Nephrologists, dialysis and transplantologists “(VI Kazakh-Turkish Nephrology Congress, …
Daily compliance with the regime and diet, many hours of medical procedures give rise to a strong spirit in our patients. One of such people is Daulethan Elaman. Some people …
The disease is a test sent by God. If only one kidney failed, that’s fixable, and what would you do if two refused? Kidney function has a very important role …
Hemodialysis center was presented in Saran. Erlan Koshanov, akim of Karaganda region, got acquainted with the work of the medical institution opened by public-private partnership. B. B. NURA LLP, which …