• Outpatient Dialysis Center of Kyzylorda

    The Outpatient Dialysis Center of Kyzylorda was founded in 2014. It is the first in the network of B.B. NURA dialysis centers. From the first days, the strategic priority of the company is to provide patients with the best service, including high-quality dialysis procedures, completeness and complexity of the approach. That is why B.B. NURA has chosen the well-known world leader B.Braun Avitum AG (Germany) as its strategic partner in the field of hemodialysis machines and consumables.

    Our center is equipped with modern equipment, such as the “artificial kidney” Dialog+ device, with the HDF-Online function. All devices of the center are equipped with special filters of the dialysis flow from pyrogenic irritants (absence of allergic reactions in the form of itching, redness).

    There is a professional body analyzer InBody S10- a medical-grade device used to determine dry weight by analyzing body composition and measuring fluid levels in various body tissues.

    For the preparation of water for hemodialysis, the HIERGO Wassertechnik Gmbh (Germany) water purification system is used. This system produces pure ultrapure water suitable for the HDF-Online procedure.

    The main innovation of the company B.B. NURA in 2019 was the installation of devices “artificial kidney” of the 5th generation Dialog IQ company B.Braun Avitum AG (Germany). The biggest advantage of the new device is the Blologic Fusion technology.Thanks to it, the device automatically corrects the ultrafiltration profile by measuring blood pressure and hematocrit (the ratio of liquid and dry blood).This allows for better removal of fluid from the body and provides comfortable dialysis for patients with a tendency to hypotension during the procedure (no headaches after the procedure).

    In our specialized hospital, on the basis of the City Hospital No. 1, Astana, arterio-venous fistula is being formed, and permanent catheter is being installed in patients with severe vascular access. To exclude cases of contamination of catheters, a special solution based on safe citric acid for catheter preservation is used-CitraSeal of B.Braun Avitum AG (Germany). In addition, in a specialized hospital, treatment of severe, decompensated patients who need complex treatment and consultations of other narrow specialists is carried out.

    In 2018, the centers launched a modern medical information system (MIS), which allows highly qualified nephrologists to remotely monitor the provision of a high-quality hemodialysis procedure.

    Laboratory data of each patient is integrated into the MIS directly from the laboratory, which allows the doctor to select the most accurate parameters of the hemodialysis procedure individually for each patient.

    During the procedure, patients receive hot meals in addition to full drug therapy. The delivery of all patients to the procedures and back home is organized.

    In 2014, medical care became more accessible for residents of the Kyzylorda region, outpatient dialysis centers were opened in Aralsk and Shieli.

    Outpatient Dialysis Center in the village of Shieli

    The outpatient dialysis center in the village of Shieli opened on October 04, 2017, which is located on the basis of the State Institution “Shieli Central District Hospital”, with an area of 143.5 sq.m. with a separate entrance group for outpatient patients.

    The center is equipped with modern equipment, there are 6 devices “Artificial mail” Dialog+, with the function of measuring blood pressure, counting Kt/V. This medical center will work according to the European quality standards for the treatment of chronic renal failure with the introduction of a hemodiafiltration procedure, which will reduce the risk of complications in these patients and increase the patient’s life on dialysis.


    Outpatient Dialysis Center in Aralsk

    The outpatient dialysis center in Aralsk opened on February 13, 2017, which is located on the basis of the State Institution “Aral District Maternity Hospital”, with an area of 104.0 sq.m, with a separate entrance group for outpatient patients.
    The center is equipped with modern equipment, there are 5 devices “Artificial mail” Dialog+, with the function of measuring blood pressure, counting Kt/V.
    This medical center will work according to the European quality standards for the treatment of chronic renal failure with the introduction of a hemodiafiltration procedure, which will reduce the risk of complications in these patients and increase the patient’s life on dialysis.



  • Medical experts of LLP “BB NURA” in Kyzylorda

    Novikova Olga

    Regional operations manager

    Yeleuova Gulzhan

    Head nurse

  • About city

    Kyzylorda is conveniently located on the right coast of the Syr Darya river. With a population of 210 thousand people, this is not quite a big town is home to many Kazakhs, Russian, Korean, and other representatives of the European nationality.

    The climate in this area, however, as in many other regions of Kazakhstan is sharply continental, we can say that it is very meager on rainfall, but the hot summer and a considerable number of sunny days in a year is very happy. Winter is quite cold, very often shrill wind, but snow is not high.

    Recently, the city came to a new stage of development, because they were reconstructed around a hundred streets of the regional center, the buildings have been restored, and there was landscaping areas.

    The current Kyzylorda city began to develop at the site of the Kokand village of Ak-Mosque (ie, “White Mosque”), which later, after Russian troops seized the territory in 1852, received the status of a military fortress.

  • Contacts of outpatient dialysis center in Kyzylorda

    Kyzylorda city, Abuova st. 29 A
    8(7242)26-31-35, 8-771-046-00-74

    Aralsk, Araltuz str., 54
    8 (7243) 32-43-12

    P. Shieli, MKR Ak Orda , block 3, house 25