Starting from 12 to 16 October in 2016 was held a training cycle for LLP «B.B.NURA» nurses in order to improve the qualification .
Regular training of medical personnel is one of the main links in the process of providing quality health care.
Implementation of this educational event had brought together all staff from different cities of the country and promote the introduction of new skills in their daily professional activities.
Lectures and workshops included such topics as:
– “Fundamentals of dialysis,” under the direction of guest lecturer, k.m.n, head of the department of extracorporeal blood correction NNMTS Gaipova Abduzhappara Erkinovich and the main nurse Kondratieva Olga Olegovna;
– “Emergency conditions in dialysis patients” – Kokoshko Alexei Ivanovich, associate professor of anesthesiology and SNP, resuscitation of JSC “Astana Medical University”;
– “Organization management system of medical waste” – with the assistance of a specialist physician epidemiologist “Kazakhstan Institute of professional development.”
The company’s goal is to conduct similar training sessions on a regular basis, with the expansion of the spectrum of topics of interest and attraction of new lecturers.