On Thursday, November 5, 2015 in Pavlodar opened a new center of nephrology and efferent therapy LLP «B.B.NURA», the event was held at street Usolka 42/6. The opening ceremony was attended by mayor of Pavlodar region – Bozumbayev K.A., health department head of the region Sitkazinov A.K., CEO Akhmetov A.N. and a representative of the German company «B.Braun», also, been invited urban major hospitals doctors, representatives of the Department of Committee of payment of medical services MZSR RK experts monitoring committee of the Department of Medical and pharmaceutical activities MZSR RK staff and Committee on consumer protection Pavlodar region.
Center of nephrology and efferent therapy is the 8th center as part of LLP «B.B.NURA». Center specializes in providing comprehensive nephrology care for patients with end-stage renal failure. Complex service includes a closed loop for the provision of care to patients, from diagnosis to rehabilitation phase, including hemodialysis, vascular access creation, consultation, provision of diagnostic and medical help, including a hospital. Complex services are integrated into primary health care and national centers for the preparation of patients for kidney transplantation.
New center is a fully autonomous body with the ability to provide water purification, medical service engineering. The general partner is B.Braun Avitum AG company.